What do you benefit from our services?

picture by Infoteam Sales Process Consulting

Last week I had an interesting chat about LinkedIn.

I am currently developing a new training module for the acquisition of new key customers or for the acquisition of new projects within existing key customers and key customers based on Design Thinking.

To make it relevant for my target group, I am currently contacting sales managers for a short 10-minute interview.

One person has answered my interview request as follows (quote):

Dear Mr Maugeri-de Graaff, thank you for your question. I’m happy to cooperate. Following conditions (please confirm if OK):

– 10 min conference call without preparation CHF 160

– 10 minutes conference call with preparation CHF 200

– One-hour Skype meeting exclusively for you CHF 300

Since I am fully booked about 3 weeks in advance, please register in time.

Best regards, XXXX


Since it was the first time someone requested money for an interview, I wanted to know a little more about what the performance and benefits that would be behind my investment. Because apparently, my potential interview partner had identified me as a potential customer.

Yes, please. What does this contribute to my success or what can you guarantee?

Depends on what you want to know. I can guarantee nothing but to answer the questions honestly and openly. Email xxxx.xxxx@abc.xy

This is a classic case of failure to clarify needs and interest in a customer. I often observe this behaviour in my practice as a B2B Sales Accelerator. Sales employees first send a standard offer and only ask themselves afterwards about the usefulness of their services and products. Or they leave it up to the potential customer to imagine or imagine a benefit.


Does this procedure bring more success or faster success?

Does the customer feel picked up?

Would this company be perceived as customer-centric?

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