
Workshop “Successful sales in competitive markets” at Lanz Oensingen AG

Feedback on the workshop on LinkedIn by Alexander Gerster Delegate of the Board of Directors of Lanz Oensingen AG

Testimonial on LinkedIn Alexander Gerster VdG Lanz Oensingen AG


From product to project sales at Häfele GmbH & Co KG

Below is the link to the interview with the managing director of Häfele Herrajes Spain.

Interview with Millon Elduayen Urcola, Managing Director of Häfele Herrajes Spain, s.l.

Winning large projects with Spandex’s distributors

Matthias Oechslin, Key Account Manager, Spandex

Sales transformation at zeit ag

Stefan Müller, CEO of zeit ag, talks about the project with Roberto Maugeri-de Graaff and the first experiences with the method of Infoteam.

Sales Workshop at Vertec AG

Testimonial Urs Berli, Head of Sales at Vertec
Testimonial Urs Berli, Head of Sales at Vertec

Sales Trainings and Workshops at foap.com

Testimonial on Linkedin of Adrian Dubler, CEO, Foap.com
Testimonial on Linkedin of Adrian Dubler, CEO, Foap.com
Testimonial on Linkedin of Maria Bukowisska Foap
Testimonial on Linkedin of Maria Bukowisska, Sales Executive, Foap.com

Key Account Management and Projects at Alpiq

Testimonial Peter Limacher, Chairman of the Executive Board Alpiq InTec Group
Testimonial Peter Limacher, Chairman of the Executive Board Alpiq InTec

Key Account Management with Swisscom Energy Solutions

Testimonial Frédéric Gastaldo CEO Swisscom Energy Solutions
Testimonial Frédéric Gastaldo, CEO, Swisscom Energy Solutions (tiko)