Comment on the article by Christian Fichter, a columnist in the Tagesanzeiger.
Article “Spare us your banal company mission statements!” from 01.04.2019
The author of the TA article “Spare us your banal corporate mission statements” addresses the value attitude of employees. Flanders such as “customer orientation” are empty statements and do not help employees in their everyday lives, says author Christian Fichter. Compliance with corporate values must be monitored, and disregarding them must have consequences, he says.
My commentary on this article looks at how sales departments deal with these values and the statement that more control is needed.
20 years of business customer sales prove: Top salespersons are often not controlled; they are allowed to work as long as they bring “good figures”. That can go well, no problem. But as a CEO or sales manager, I would not rely on that. If things don’t go well, the “corpses” of this salesman only come to light years later and can then be a huge mortgage for the company. That’s why I always give companies a uniform method of selling. This puts the value of “customer orientation” into concrete terms and makes the salesman’s approach comprehensible and replicable. This has various advantages:
- Supervisors can discuss the Top salesman’s business activities on an objective level
- The organization learns from the best
- The salesman is not only “controlled”, but also supported in making the sales opportunities “stronger” in cooperation with his or her superior
- If the salesperson leaves the company, his chances of selling are not lost
More on that here.